Causes We
to Support

Public Statements and Social Media

Black Lives Matter
Watch Dance Church opening statement in support of Black Lives Matter

A note about the music

Read our statement about the music that we love and use in Dance Church

Dance Church on Instagram


Black Lives Matter Global Network

BYP 100 (Black Youth Project)

Color of Change
Campaigns that build real power for black communities

Campaign Zero
Working to end police violence in America



Central District Forum for Arts & Ideas SEA

Northwest Tap Connection SEA

Trans Women of Color Solidarity Network WA

Portland African American Leadership Forum PDX

Homeless Black Trans Women Fund ATL

Reclaim The Block MN

Fair Fight GA

Black Visions Collective MN

No New Jails NYC

Southerners on New Ground

Know Your Rights Camp


An introduction into white privilege 

Racial contract in America 

What white Americans can learn about racism from Corona Virus 

Why All Lives Matter is problematic and not helpful

What white people can do to support racial justice

Reading Lists from the Chicago Public Library

Reading list from US Prison Culture

Resources from 100 Year Hoodie

Comprehensive list of anti-racism resources

List of Black-Owned Restaurants in Seattle

Resource and Action List


Sign the Petition for justice for Breonna Taylor

Sign the Petition to divest from policing

Sign the Petition to direct the DOJ to collect information about police violence

Contact Your State Government

Contact you local governments

Comprehensive list of accessible actions

Safely put your body on the line at a protest 

De-centering yourself at a protest if you’re white

Support protesters from home if you’re not able to be in the streets

Talk to your family about race

Talk to your children about race

Black Lives Matter Protester Resources

Information about protesting as an immigrant