Mar 15, 2024

Women's History Month: Week 2

Team Survivor Northwest

For Week 2 of Women's History Month, we are thrilled to highlight Team Survivor Northwest, an organization dedicated to empowering women who have had a cancer diagnosis to thrive through fitness, education, and community support. Since 2018, Dance Church has guided a special class at the TSNW yearly retreat in Seattle. We recently had the privilege of partnering with them again, and it was nothing short of inspiring! Team Survivor Northwest's free fitness programs help women regain and retain their health, with research showing that exercise can significantly impact recurrence and mortality rates.

The Dance Church session, led by the incredible Carlin Kramer and supported by Maya Tacon, was a hit among attendees. The energy, joy, and sense of connection in the room were palpable, creating a space of inclusivity and empowerment. Participants raved about the session, highlighting not just the fun of Dance Church but also the meaningful connection they felt with the instructors and the community.

As Jennefer Boyer, the executive director of Team Survivor Northwest, shared, "Our members absolutely loved having Carlin and Maya come. They talked about how it wasn't just the fun of Dance Church, but the connection they feel from the teachers that contribute to the overall culture of inclusivity and welcoming of Team Survivor. They couldn't say enough good things about the session."

We're grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the Team Survivor Northwest community and look forward to many more empowering and uplifting moments together!

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