Jun 26, 2023

Carrying the Spirit Forward

Pride Month Conclusion

As June concludes — a month of vibrant celebrations and thoughtful reflections — we look ahead, ready to carry the lessons we've learned, the history we've celebrated, and the progress we've fought for, into every day of the year.

Marsha P. Johnson, an unwavering voice in the Stonewall uprising and co-founder of the Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries (STAR), serves as our guiding star. Her declaration, "No Pride for some of us without liberation for all of us," rings true today, as we strive for a world where every individual can live freely and authentically.

In honoring Juneteenth and celebrating Pride, we have felt the transformative power of collective voices sharing stories of struggle, resilience, and triumph. It’s evident that the fight for the rights and recognition of our trans and nonbinary siblings continues, as oppressive legislation and laws still surface.

So, what can you do? How can you carry forward the spirit of Juneteenth and Pride in your daily life?

1️⃣ Exercise your voting power. Stay informed about local and national policies affecting LGBTQIA+ rights and cast your vote for those who uphold equality and justice.

2️⃣ Support organizations fighting for LGBTQIA+ rights. This includes but is not limited to the Human Rights Campaign, Lambda Legal, GLSEN, PFLAG, and the National Center for Transgender Equality. Your contributions, no matter how small, can make a difference.

3️⃣ Elevate LGBTQIA+ artists. Purchase their art, stream their music, read their books, and share their work. Artists like Audre Lorde and James Baldwin have used their craft to voice societal challenges and inspire change.

4️⃣ Stand up for justice. If you witness an LGBTQIA+ person being harassed or attacked, intervene if it is safe to do so or alert authorities. Silence and inaction can be just as harmful as the abuse itself.

As we dance into the rest of the year, we take with us the spirit of unity and liberation. Let's uphold the legacy of pioneers like Marsha P. Johnson, using our voices, actions, and resources to build a world that celebrates diversity and guarantees rights and respect for all.

Remember, Pride and Juneteenth are more than just a month; they're a constant reminder of our collective journey towards a more inclusive, equal world. Let's make every day a step towards that goal.




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