Tariq Mitri

New York/Seattlehe/him/his


Hi Everyone! My name is Tariq Mitri. I'm a half Palestinian American living in Seattle, WA. I've spent a a few years in Los Angeles, New York City, and in the past, Seattle, and am happy to be back in the PNW! I've been leading Dance Church classes since 2017 (whoa), and have stepped up into multiple roles with the organization over the past 6 years. I am just teaching now, and am so excited to be diving into my artistry as a guide with all of you even more!

When Dancing

Tariq moves with forces beyond his control. His lifelong quest is to indulge in the in-betweens. He finds peace inside of durational dance and interdisciplinary, collaborative dance/art making. He is committed to helping shape the future of dance and performance to create more equitable and community-oriented forms of support, and resources for dance & performing artists, makers, and sharers.

When not Dancing

Most of the time, you can find Tariq lounging with his dog Theo (who he’s obsessed with), adventuring in nature, eating ice cream, and being perpetually silly, with his tongue out. (Is he talking about Theo or himself?) He's spent the last 4.5 months playing BOTW and is almost complete.

Dance On-Demand with Tariq Mitri

Tariq Mitri's Content