Laurie Spivack


My name is Laurie Spivack and I am starting low impact Dance Church classes in the Seattle area!


I am now a retiree. WOW, that sounds so old but I don’t feel old. Well, I’ve done a lot of things on this orb we all reside on while rotating 65 times. I had an 18 year career as a freelance professional dancer performer, producer, choreographer working in NYC, Louisville, Atlanta, Provincetown, Berlin, Munich, Seattle on stage, film, on sand dunes, above horse stables, in the street, blindfolded and other stuff that I can’t remember. As a dance teacher I’ve worked with peeps from preschool thru college, created programs for blind adults and children abled and differently abled. After dancing I married, raised two loving snow skating roller derbying kids, started and run businesses putting on paint and taking it off, sold them and now; hineni… here I am.

When Dancing

Kitchen, driveway, front porch, sidewalk, mountain and wherever there is ground. I am the Dance Church elder who can’t stop dancing, growing a community of other elders and anyone else who wants a gentle pace. This is Dance Church Lite y’all.

When Not Dancing

I serve my community volunteering with Beacon Arts, helping children to read and entrepreneurs with their businesses. I am a student of the ukulele, silly knitter, voracious reader, helpless gardener, joyous snowboarder. I live with my two old gals; Dolce the cat and Juanita the dog. And best of all, loving my children so much that I cry when I think about it.

Upcoming Classes

Dance with Laurie Spivackat NOD Theater
Sun / 8.11 / 12:30 pm PDT
Low Impact Class
Dance with Laurie Spivackat NOD Theater
Sun / 8.25 / 12:30 pm PDT
Low Impact Class

Dance On-Demand with Laurie Spivack