Lavinia Vago

Seattle/New Yorkshe/her

About Lavi

Lavinia AnnaMaria Vago is an Italian dance artist, dance nerd, dance freak, performer, maker, collaborator, educator, mentor, director, art model, raver, improviser, and solo artist based in Seattle, working around the world, with a hypermobile body and A LOT of energy to share with you!

When Dancing

Dancing most of her time, Lavinia makes work as a solo artist researching and attacking themes of disobedience, kinesthetic empathy, queerness, and transcendence inside experimental soundscapes, She freelance, performs, collaborates and tours with different artists. In workshops, masterclasses and intensives, she facilitates spaces for research, discovery, healing and collective joy.

When not Dancing

When not dancing (is she ever?!) Lavinia is a sun freak! She loves laying and lounging in the sun, reading, walking, biking, swimming, ideally in the sun. She is most likely blasting music 24/7, either in her home or in her ears, and daydreaming of the next dance floor to go sweat onto!

Dance On-Demand with Lavinia Vago

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